
Portobello Film Festival 波托贝罗影展

 Houses on Portobello Road
Portobello Road is a colourful part of town

Programme Introduction 节目简介

You may have heard of the Venice or Cannes Film Festivals but there are hundreds of others. In this programme Yang Li and Carol Ye tell us all about the Portobello Road Film Festival in fashionable West London, where hundreds of low-budget movies are shown.

你可能听说过威尼斯还有加纳电影节,不过还有很多不是那么有名气的电影节。杨莉和 Carol Ye 带大家参加位于伦敦西面的波多贝罗独立电影节,在那里喜欢电影的朋友们可以欣赏到很多非主流电影。

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