
Road Names 道路名称

Pictures of London streets
Look at the picture above and try to do the listening quiz, below.

 Hello! My name is Xin. I used to live in England for two years and I've got some living experiences in the UK. But I am not very sure how do English people name roads, for example Acorn Drive, Duck Street, Park Close, Ladywood Avenue, Main Road. The question I have is why people call them drive, close or road?
Xin, China

Have you ever noticed that English has a lot of different words meaning road? Street, avenue, close, drive and terrace are just five of the many terms we have describing roads, but why?

To answer this question, William takes a stroll around Kensington in West London. Accompanying him is Barry Griffin, Naming and Numbering Officer at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. If anyone knows the answer to Xin's question, it's Barry!

As you listen to the programme, try our listening quiz. Look at the picture above and see if you can work out which road is Sheffield Terrace and which is Camden House Close. The answer is at the end of the pdf transcript.

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk or


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