
FA Cup Fourth Round Action 足总杯第四轮赛况

Dimitar Berbatov
Berbatov scored the winning goal against his former club
There was a lull 暂时的平静 in the race for the Premier League title this weekend as the fourth round of the FA Cup was held around the country.

Many Premiership sides were in action, with mixed results for some.

Manchester United impressed 表现出色 against Tottenham Hotspur, winning 2-1 at Old Trafford, despite Spurs 热刺队的绰号 taking an early lead five minutes into the game.

Manchester United’s Dimitar Berbatov, who used to play for Spurs, scored the winning goal against his former club, dumping 抛弃了his old teammates out of the competition.

Sir Alex Ferguson, the Manchester United manager, was in a jocular mood 愉快的、开玩笑的心情 after the game, joking that going a goal down actually helps his team to win.

In with a chance
 It’s one more game to play. If that’s the price to pay to stay in the hat, we’re happy to do it.
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager

"Give them a start – it always helps, doesn’t it?" quipped 半真半假的开玩笑 Sir Alex.

Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp felt that a short period of poor concentration led to his team’s defeat.

"We started well but a bad two-minute spell 很短的一段时间 cost us," said Redknapp.

It was back to business as usual for Chelsea who beat Championship league 冠军联赛 side Ipswich 3-1, while Arsenal could only manage a 0-0 draw against last year’s finalists, Welsh team, Cardiff City.

Arsenal manager was untypically philosophical 不同寻常的达观心态 about the fact that his team will now have to travel to Wales for a replay 重赛 in February.

Try harder
 One team was trying to win and the other team was trying not to lose.
Rafa Benitez, Liverpool manager

"It’s one more game to play," said Wenger, "if that’s the price to pay to stay in the hat, we’re happy to do it." In this sentence ‘to stay in the hat’ means to still have the possibility of winning the competition.

Cardiff manager Dave Jones was delighted with the result as it means that Arsenal will now have to go to Cardiff to play a decider 决定性的比赛, which means that his team will earn extra payments from the FA and revenue 收入from ticket sales for the extra game.

"It’s a massive payday 发薪日," said Jones.

Liverpool had to settle for a 1-1 draw against Everton in another Merseyside derby 指利物浦地区内两个球队的比赛, just days after getting the same result in the Premier League.

Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez had a dig 挖苦at Everton’s defensive tactics 防守战术, accusing them of not trying hard enough to win the game.

"One team was trying to win and the other team was trying not to lose," said Benitez.

But Everton boss David Moyes stood up for 维护了his players, saying "it was a tough afternoon but I take great pride with how the players are performing at the moment - the resilience 复原力 they are showing."

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