
The Red Carpet 红地毯

A film star walks on the red carpet
Fashion on the red carpet

Programme Introduction 节目简介

The Academy Awards, known as the Oscars, are the most watched film awards in the world. These awards normally take place in February each year, televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.

However, as well as wanting to know who won the awards, the public is also fascinated by what the stars are wearing to the awards ceremony.

In this programme, Helen Hu and Oliver Zheng find out when fashion on the red carpet became so important.

美国电影艺术金像奖,通常被称为奥斯卡奖是备受世界瞩目的的电影奖项。奥斯卡奖通常在每年二月揭晓,全世界200 多个国家会直播整个颁奖过程。影迷们不仅期待自己喜爱的影星赢得各类奖项,还借此机会一睹身着着各类华丽服饰明星的耀人风采。让我们跟随 Helen Hu 和 Oliver Zheng 一起去看看红地毯上的时尚。

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