
James Blunt 詹姆斯•布朗特

Singer-songwriter, James Blunt
James enjoys communicating with people all over the world through his music

Programme Introduction 节目简介

British singer-songwriter James Blunt released his second album in September 2007, three years after his very successful debut album. A world tour followed, including concerts in Beijing and Shanghai.

Yang Li and Diarmuid Mitchell hear from James Blunt about his January 2008 UK tour and what he enjoys about writing and performing his music.

英国著名歌手,曲作家詹姆斯•布朗特,在他首张世界畅销专辑发行后三年又于2007年9月发表了他个人第二张专辑。为了宣传自己第二张专辑的发行,他举办了个人世界巡回演唱会,演唱会走进了中国北京和上海。让我们跟随杨莉和 Diarmuid Mitchell 一起走进他2008年一月的演唱会并听听他喜爱创作和歌唱的原因。

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