英国中学教师资格证书培训常见问题回答 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/06 09:41 紫铭培训 | |
What’s the PGCE? PGCE是一个什么课程? The course has been designed to allow you to meet the Standards required for recommendation for qualified teacher status as laid down by the British Department for Education and SkillsPGCE是完全按照英国教育及技能部对一个合格教师要求设置的资格证书课程。 What qualification do I need for PGCE course?我需要什么资格读PGCE? ·The Mathematics course recruits graduates from a wide range of disciplines.数学教师专业可以从很多行业挑选人 ·At the moment we have trainees with qualifications in mathematics, statistics, computing, engineering, business studies, geology and psychology.目前,有以前背景学数学的,统计的,计算机的,工程的,商业的,地理和心理学的。 ·The aim of the science Post-Graduate Certificate in Education course is to equip trainees to teach all aspects of science to pupils in the 11-16 age range.科学老师要求能教11-16岁学生各方面的科学。 ·你还需要有一年教学经验。无犯罪记录,无虐待学生记录。 What’s the English requirement?我的英文应有什么水平? IELTS 6 or equivalent.雅思6分或同等级别。 When will the course start?什么时候开学? 2 June, 2003. 2003年6月2日。 入学申请过程是怎样的? 委托紫铭文化交流有限公司办理,4月20日截止招生。 学生应准备:本科毕业证书,简历(包括为什么要来英国教书),成绩单,两份推荐信(证明无虐待学生记录),入学申请表,无犯罪记录证明,雅思成绩单(若有的话)。 ·以上所有材料要求是英文的。 What a reas will be covered? PGCE将学一些什么课程? ·You will consider the legal and professional requirements of being a teacher.了解作为一个老师在法律和职业道德方面有什么要求 ·The content of the mathematics curriculum, and how it is assessed中学数学或科学的教学大纲及如何评估 ·Teaching methods and planning lessons教学法及课程设置 ·The management of teaching and learning in classrooms课堂教学管理 ·The use of information and communication technology如何将信息科学技术应有到教学中来 ·Meeting the diverse needs of pupils.如何满足学生多种需求 ·Health and safety in learning in laboratories.实验室上课的健康与安全。 Features of the training训练的特点 ·Workshop activities, seminars, tutorials and subject knowledge development sessions are designed to identify key ideas, to decide how these may be approached in school and to consider some of the conceptual and organisational barriers that may be encountered.分组活动,讲座,上课和发展专业知识结合在一起,学习怎样将这些知识应用到教学中并考虑课堂中可能出现的传授知识及组织课堂的障碍。 ·During these sessions you will be encouraged to develop a critical awareness of current debates in education and the impact that these have on practice.PGCE学习过程中,你会学到如何培养和发展你对当前教育所争议问题的批判意识。 ·We have a wide range of facilities including an ICT suite and a Learning Resource Centre.学校会提供各种学习设施包括实验室,电脑房及资料室。 ·We are developing positive links with a number of national museums which we use for some aspects of our training.学校与一些国家博物馆联系甚密,以此开展一些训练。 ·Partnership schools in London provide a rich and diverse training experience.伦敦的一系列教学学校给培训提供了丰富多元化的培训环境。 ·Tutors on the course have recent and extensive experience of teaching in schools and advisory work with LEAs.PGCE教师都拥有最新及最丰富的教学经验并给当地教育机构提供咨询。 有关实习 School experience and teaching practice are central to the course. In school you will be treated as a teacher and you will become familiar with the professional environment. As well as learning to teach, you will find out how pupils learn, how schools work and how responsibilities are allocated. You will become part of the school team. 学校及课堂经验是至关重要的。实习期间,你会被看成一个老师,你需要熟悉整个教学环境。除了教书,你还要观察学生是怎样学的,学校的运作及教书的责任。你会成为学校的一分子。 Schools vary enormously in their size, type, intake, physical and social environment. You are required by the DfES to experience a variety of schools and to observe, plan, teach and assess across the 11-16 age range. Consequently you will be placed in two different partnership schools. 学校的大小,形式,招生量,校园及社会环境都有所不同。你要根据英国教育部的要求去观察,感受,计划,评估那些11-16岁的学生。 In each school you will be allocated a mentor within the subject department.每次实习,你都会有一个指导老师。 What will I be qualified to teach?我拿到证书后有资格教谁? ·Mathematics or science to pupils in the 11-16 age range.教11-16岁中学生的数学及科学。 How much for the fee?学费是多少? Total fee is 11275 pounds. Do I need to pay these fees in China or in the UK?学费在英国交还是在中国交? You pay 5425 pounds when you get the offer letter from East London University. When you are confirmed that you will pass the pre-session and study PGCE, you will pay rest of fees 5850 pounds.学费先在中国交5425镑。当你通过预备课准备进入PGCE课程时,交余下的5850镑。 If I will be thought as not suitable to be a teacher after the pre-session course, shall I I get money back?如果我在预备课程被认为不适合作老师,能否退学费? Yes, you will get back 1500 pounds。你会被退回1500镑。 What other help I will get except the course?除了上课,我还会得到什么帮助? You will get help on how to write your C.V., how to prepare interview, etc. Anchr Professional Development and UEL will provide reference letters for students if needed.如何写简历,如何准备面试。安可公司和伦敦大学都将为学生提供就业推荐信。 Where do I live?我住哪? We will arrange the first 3 weeks in home stay, half board. After that, you can continue to live or move out to student hall of residence. The fee for home stay is 110 pounds per person per week.前3周安排住英国人家里,住宿费每周110英镑,包早晚餐(此费用不包括在总费用里)。以后自己解决(或继续住英国人家,或住学生宿舍)。 When I find a job, do I need to pay for the work permit application?我找到工作后,还需要交工作许可申请费吗? No, you don’t need unless you would like to find a solicitor to help you, you will pay the solicitor.不用(除非你要找律师,费用另算)。 How about my salary when I become a teacher in Britain?我当上老师后的工资如何? In London, you will get annul salary£20,000,00. When you become a senior teacher, you will get annul salary about£40,000,00.在伦敦,新老师年薪两万英镑(比英国博士后起薪高),高级老师年薪四万英镑。 What’s the benefit as a teacher in the UK?英国老师有什么福利? 每年你会有13周带薪假期,免费公费医疗,配偶在英就业,子女免费上中小学,养老金,等等。