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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/04 10:58  紫铭培训
Marseille is an international communications junction for the telecommunications field. Many operators ( France Telecom, Cegetel,Completel,GTS,GTS Omnicom,Siris,ColtTelecom,etc. ) are moving into the newly renovated center which, with two dedicated platforms measuring 16,000 and 18,000 m2, provides all the conditions for giving Marseille leadership status in this field. A veritable explosion of the “Net Economy” can be observed in Marseille and Provence.

This can already be seen in the arrival of many foreign investors ( more than 500 businesses with foreign capital ), the offices of major multinationals ( such as CMA-CGM,Bouygues Telecom, France Telecom, Cegetel ) which in record time have multiplied the number of jobs in Provence, notably in the field of high-level management. These offices have joined those of the large companies which had already chosen Provence: Air Products, Avenir Telecom, Barlatier, Carrefour, Casino, ST Micro Electronic, Castorama, Coca-Cola, Danone, Danzas, Darty, Decathlon, DHL, Ducros Euro Express, Eurocopter, Europa Discount, Gemplus, Haribo, Kiabi, Michelin, Navarro, Orangina, Panzani, Perier, Ricard, Rivoire t? Carret, Lustucru, Tat Express, Unilever, UPS, etc.

Geographically, the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region and Marseille are located in a privileged position at the mouth of the Rhone corridor, on the Mediterranean coast between Italy and Spain. This location provides Marseille with certain advantages:
·Marseille-Fos is the leading commercial port in France and on the Mediterranean (annual traffic exceeding 90 million metric tons ).
·Marseille-Provence, second largest airport in France in terms of freight and the third in terms of passenger traffic ( 6 million people a year ) links Marseille to all the major cities of Europe.
·Since June, 2001, Paris and Marseille are less than 3 hours apart by TGV ( High-Speed- Train ).
·“Cruise” activities are increasing at the port of Marseille ( 500,000 passengers for the region, the Mediterranean being the second largest cruise destination in the world ).
·A modern multi-modal logistics platform has been set up between the industrial-port zone of Fos and the Marseille-Provence Airport, combining shipping, road, rail, river and air traffic for the Southern Europe.

→ Number 1 port in France and on the Mediterranean Sea.
→ Number 1 microelectronics center in France and Southern Europe.
→ Number 1 area for investments.
→ Number 1 telecommunications center ( outside Paris).
→ Number 1 helicopter maker in the world.
→ Number 1 freight airport (outside Paris ).
→ Number 1 sound and image production center (outside Paris ).
→ Number 1 public research area (outside Paris ).
→ Number 1 most visited region in terms of number of tourists.

E-mail: garybeijing@sina.comadm@franchine.com
邮编:100027 乘车路线图

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