英国大学优秀学科、系科评定标准 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/22 13:27 新浪教育 | ||
一、"教学水平优秀学科"的评定标准 英格兰和北爱尔兰: 1993~1995学科评估"优秀"(分"优秀"、"满意"、"不满意
1995~2002学科评估分数22分以上(满分24分) 苏格兰: 1992~1998,学科评估"优秀"(分"优秀"、"很满意"、"满意"、"不满意"四个等级) 1997~1998,学科评估22分以上(满分24分) 2000~2002,学科教学水平、学生指导与管理、学习资源三项评估均为"值得赞扬的"(每项评估分为"值得赞扬的"、"被认可的"、"失败的"三个等级) 威尔士: 1993~1998,学科评估"优秀"(分"优秀"、"满意"、"不满意"三个等级) 二、"研究水平优秀系科"的评定标准 2001RAE评估5分以上(分5*,5,4,3a,3b,2,1七个等级)的系科 Rating Scale Ratings of research quality will be expressed in terms of a standard scale with common definitions of the points. The rating scale and definitions which will be used in the 2001 RAE are shown below. Full notes on the rating scale are given in RAE 2/99. 5* (five star): Quality that equates to attainable levels of international excellence in more than half of the research activity submitted and attainable levels of national excellence in the remainder. 5: Quality that equates to attainable levels of international excellence in up to half of the research activity submitted and to attainable levels of national excellence in virtually all of the remainder. 4: Quality that equates to attainable levels of national excellence in virtually all of the research activity submitted, showing some evidence of international excellence. 3a: Quality that equates to attainable levels of national excellence in over two-thirds of the research activity submitted, possibly showing evidence of international excellence. 3b: Quality that equates to attainable levels of national excellence in more than half of the research activity submitted. 2: Quality that equates to attainable levels of national excellence in up to half of the research activity submitted. 1: Quality that equates to attainable levels of national excellence in none, or virtually none, of the research activity submitted 附:RAE系科说明: Accounting and Finance Description Accounting and finance in all its forms. Research of all types, empirical or theoretical, strategic, basic or applied. Agriculture Description Management of rural resources and environment for the purpose of food and non-food production from crops and animals, and for services. Natural and social sciences which are studied in this context. (Horticulture, soil science, forestry, aquaculture, marketing and trade, and rural development are included.) American Studies Description Canadian studies and politics; literature of the USA; history of the USA (including social, economic, labour and intellectual history); politics of the USA; American studies; the visual arts, general cultural studies and interdisciplinary studies; Latin American and Caribbean studies (including history, economics, politics/international relations, US-Latin American relations, literature, cultural studies, gender theory, sociology and social anthropology); Caribbean literature in English; post-colonial theory. Anthropology Description Biological anthropology, social and cultural anthropology (including material culture studies, anthropology of development, visual anthropology, performance studies, area studies and medical anthropology). Applied Mathematics Description The development, analysis, and solution or approximate solution of, mathematical models, including those arising in physical and biological sciences, engineering and technology; and the development and application of mathematical theories and techniques that further these objectives Anatomy Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Cell and molecular physiology and pharmacology, neuroscience, systems anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, cell and developmental biology. Archaeology Description Archaeological theory; archaeology of human origins; prehistoric and historic societies on a world-wide basis. This includes early civilisations of the Near East, Egyptology, classical archaeology, medieval and post-medieval archaeology, colonial and industrial archaeology. Also included are landscape and environmental archaeology; archaeological science; public archaeology; archaeological aspects of heritage management and museum studies and pedagogic research in archaeology. Art and Design Description Painting, public art, sculpture, performance, installation, time-based art, printmaking, photography, screen productions, virtual reality, multimedia, digital and interactive art and design, software design for digital artefacts, animation, illustration, graphic and communication design, art and design in the landscape, environmental and interior design, theatre design, exhibition and events design, fashion, textiles, jewellery and metalwork, ceramics, glass, automotive design, product and furniture design, art and design management, pedagogy in art and design, cultural, theoretical and historical studies,swheresthis is principally contextual to contemporary practice and culture within art and design. Asian Studies Description South Asia, mainland and maritime South-East Asia, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan: in each area the ancient, medieval and modern languages, literatures, arts, archaeology, religions, history and philosophy; and also the economics, politics, international relations, development, geography, sociology, anthropology, social and economic history, and media, cultural and gender studies. Biological Sciences Description Molecular, cellular, organismal and population biology of micro-organisms, plants and animals, including biochemistry and biotechnology. Built Environment Description Architecture, design, history of architecture, theory of architecture, landscape architecture, quantity surveying and building economics, legal systems, construction management, construction technology and construction materials, information technology, building science and services, buildings and energy, building surveying, sustainability, education in the built environment, process organisation (including the supply chain) and management, building engineering, facilities management, ecology in the built environment, social and human factors of the built environment, and other research in which the built environment could either form a major field for application or provide the context for development. Business and Management Studies Description Accounting and finance, organisational behaviour, corporate strategy, business and industrial economics, management science, entrepreneurship, operations management, public sector management, technology management, information management, international business, service management, management education, marketing, human resource management, business history and any other disciplines aligned to business and management. Celtic Studies Description The Celtic languages, including Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Cornish, Manx and Continental Celtic, in all periods, and the literatures and non-material cultures of their speakers. Chemical Engineering Description Product and process engineering, biomedical and biochemical engineering, fuel technology and energy engineering, environmental engineering and systems engineering and pedagogic research in chemical engineering. Chemistry Description Analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical/computational chemistry, solid state chemistry, organometallic chemistry, biological/medicinal chemistry, condensed matter and materials chemistry, polymers, applied chemistry, pedagogy and specialist areas which lie within or between these bounds Civil Engineering Description Construction management, fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering, geotechnical engineering, solid mechanics and computational mechanics, structural engineering and materials, surveying, transportation, water and environmental management, and offshore and coastal civil engineering. Classics, Ancient History, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Description The language, literature and thought (including ancient science and philosophy) of Greece and Rome from the earliest times to late antiquity; Latin language and literature of the middle ages and subsequent periods; the history, art and archaeology of Greece from the Mycenaean period to the Roman empire; the history, art and archaeology of Rome, Italy and the Roman provinces from the pre-Roman period to the late Roman empire; the language, literature, history, culture, art and archaeology of the Byzantine world; the literature, language, history and culture of Greece from the medieval period to the present; Latin and Greek philology and linguistics; the reception of classical antiquity and the classical tradition. Clinical Dentistry Description Basic and applied dental sciences and dental materials including restorative dentistry (comprising prosthodontics, conservative (operative) dentistry, endodontology and periodontology), oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, paediatric dentistry, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral microbiology, dental diagnostic sciences, dental special needs, dental health sciences and dental public health, dental education, basic dental sciences and other such sciences relevant to clinical dentistry Clinical Laboratory Sciences Description Clinical biochemistry, molecular and cellular pathology, histopathology, haematology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, medical entomology, medical genetics, medical physics, and medical and biotechnology in relation to diagnostics Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Description Communication studies, cultural studies, film studies, and media studies. Community-based Clinical Subjects Description Epidemiology, public health research, health services research, primary care, and psychiatry Computer Science Description The theoretical and practical study of the following: adaptive systems, algorithms, artificial intelligence, computer architecture and engineering, computer graphics, computer vision, databases, dependable systems, distributed systems, formal methods, high performance computing, human computer interaction, information retrieval, information systems, machine learning, multimedia, networks and communications, operating systems, pattern recognition, programming languages, software engineering, and speech and language technology. Drama, Dance and Performing Arts Description Drama, theatre, dance and performance analysis; drama, theatre, dance and performance history; drama, theatre, dance and performance practice; film, TV and video analysis; film, TV and video history; film, TV and video practice. And including: dramaturgy and theatre translation; gender and performance; popular performance; scenography; new technologies and performance; theatre performance; performance documentation and reconstruction. Live art; choreography; dance education and health; community performance; performance anthropology; drama and dance/movement therapies; and related specialist areas. Earth Sciences Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Earth and planetary sciences, including geophysics, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and cosmochemistry, structural and tectonic geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, earth resources and hazards, applied geoscience, geotechnics, palaeontology. Ancient and modern earth surface processes. Physics, chemistry and biology of the environment, including atmospheric, marine, terrestrial and freshwater sciences, together with global change, pollution and environmental management Economics and Econometrics Description All aspects of economics and econometrics, whether theoretical or applied (including,swheresappropriate, economic history). Education Description Pre-school, primary, secondary, further, higher, teacher or other professional, adult, continuing, vocational and community education or training, work-based learning and lifelong learning. Assessment, curriculum, teaching, pedagogy, learning, and information and communication technologies in education. Special educational needs; counselling; comparative, international and development education; education and industry; education policy; organisation, governance and management; social exclusion/inclusion and equity issues in education. History, psychology, philosophy, sociology and other disciplines of education. Qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, evaluation, action research and other methodological procedures used in educational research Electrical and Electronic Engineering Description Communications (mobile, satellite, networks etc); electronic materials and devices; electronic systems and circuits; optoelectronics and optical communications systems; multimedia, video and audio processing and coding; signal processing, modelling and estimation; radio frequency, microwave and millimetre wave techniques; measurement, instrumentation, sensors; control, robotics and systems engineering; electrical power, machines and drives; and computer and software engineering. English Language and Literature Description Old and Middle English language and literature; English linguistic studies, including applied linguistics; Old Norse/Icelandic; Renaissance literature; 17th and 18th century literature; Romantic literature; Victorian literature; 20th century literature; American literature; colonial and post-colonial literature; comparative literature; women's writing; creative writing; children's literature; critical and cultural theory and history; gender and gay studies; bibliography, textual criticism and history of the book; Irish literature in English; Scottish literature in English and Scots; and Welsh literature in English Environmental Sciences Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Earth and planetary sciences, including geophysics, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and cosmochemistry, structural and tectonic geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, earth resources and hazards, applied geoscience, geotechnics, palaeontology. Ancient and modern earth surface processes. Physics, chemistry and biology of the environment, including atmospheric, marine, terrestrial and freshwater sciences, together with global change, pollution and environmental management. European Studies Description Europe including Eastern and Western Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic region, southern Europe, and Russia. The modern languages, literatures and cultures, including film and media studies; language teaching and learning, including the integration of new technologies; translation; linguistics; modern economic, social and political history; philosophy; religions; gender studies; also the business environment, economics, geography, international relations, politics, public policies, and sociology; as well as researchsintosthe teaching of European studies. European integration and the external relations of Europe. Food Science and Technology Description Management of rural resources and environment for the purpose of food and non-food production from crops and animals, and for services. Natural and social sciences which are studied in this context. (Horticulture, soil science, forestry, aquaculture, marketing and trade, and rural development are included.) French Description French studies including medieval literature and Occitan; early modern literature (16th -17th century); 18th century literature; 19th century literature; 20th century literature; cultural studies (including film and media studies); thought and philosophy; language studies; pedagogic research; political, social and historical studies; Francophone and post-colonial studies; gender studies; literary theory; comparative literature; and literature in relation to the other arts. General Engineering Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Research from departments or centres which include two or more of the main branches of engineering ?chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical, mineral and mining engineering Geography Description Quaternary science, geomorphology, environmental science, remote sensing, quantitative geography, environmental geography, economic geography, development geography, social geography, cultural geography, and historical geography. German, Dutch and Scandinavian Languages Description The languages, literatures, culture and society of the German-speaking countries, the Low Countries, Scandinavia and Iceland, and relevant communities elsewhere, from the earliest times to the present day; also Yiddish language and literature. History, politics, gender studies, film studies, computer-assisted language learning and other areas. History Description All aspects of the study of the past except those specifically falling within the remit of other panels including, for example: political, economic, business and social history; early and late medieval history (British and European); early modern history (British and European); modern British and European history; imperial/colonial history; military history; international history; history of the Americas; extra-European history; history of science, technology and medicine; history of ideas; cultural history; religious history; historiography. History of Art, Architecture and Design Description History of art, architecture, and design, in the widest chronological and geographical framework; theory and aesthetics of the visual arts; museology, museum studies, and conservation; history of film, photography, and visual media; together with works in cognate fields such as cultural and gender studies, archaeology, and anthropology,swheresthese relate to, or are grouped with, study of the visual arts Hospital-based Clinical Subjects Description Hospital-based clinical subjects and their cognate sub-disciplines excluding those specified in UoAs 1 and 2. Iberian and Latin American Languages Description Medieval Iberian literatures and cultures; Golden Age literatures and cultures; the literatures and cultures of 18th, 19th and 20th century Spain; colonial, 19th and 20th century Spanish American literatures and cultures; literatures and cultures in Portuguese (including Brazilian and Lusophone African studies); Hispanic linguistics; film; gender studies; literary theory; cultural studies. Italian Description Medieval literature, including Dante; Renaissance literature; early modern literature; modern and contemporary literature; theatre studies; linguistics and history of the language; cultural studies and cultural history; film studies; media studies; gender studies; history of Italy; social and economic history; modern social and political studies; history of ideas; translation studies; teaching methodology. Law Description All doctrinal, theoretical, empirical, comparative or other studies of law and legal phenomena (including criminology). Library and Information Management Description Librarianship and information science, record and archive studies and information systems. This may include: information communities and the use and management of information in all forms and in all contexts; all aspects of archive administration and records management; all aspects of information policy in the information society; information systems; systems thinking; systems development; information retrieval (including interfaces and gateways); preservation and conservation of recorded information; and the information industry (including publishing). Linguistics Description All areas of theoretical, descriptive and applied linguistics including syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, phonetics, socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, historical linguistics, philology, the history of linguistics, stylistics, text linguistics, first and second language acquisition, clinical linguistics, speech and language technology and forensic linguistics. Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering Description Acoustics, noise and vibration; aerodynamics and aeronautics; automotive engineering; biomedical engineering; computational methods in engineering; control of fluid power and fluidics; dynamics; engineering design; heat transfer; manufacturing, including manufacturing systems and manufacturing management; materials, including polymers and composites; mechatronics; offshore engineering and related subjectsswheresassociated with mechanical engineering; optical engineering; process engineering; product design; solid mechanics; structural integrity, fatigue, failure analysis and welding; thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. Metallurgy and Materials Description Materials science and engineering in all structural and functional materials such as metals, glasses, ceramics, semiconductors and superconductors, polymers, composites, biomaterials, textiles and clothing, paper, leather and wood. Studies of the synthesis, structure, characterisation, processing, properties, applications, modelling, degradation and protection, and the recovery, recycling and re-use of these materials Middle Eastern and African Studies Description The languages, literatures, history (pre-1800 and modern), religions, politics and political economy, international relations and strategic studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, geography, and art history of the Middle East and Africa. Mineral and Mining Engineering Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Research from departments or centres which include two or more of the main branches of engineering ?chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical, mineral and mining engineering. Music Description Composition and performance (including classical, commercial, and popular); history and criticism of music; ethnomusicology; theory and analysis, including empirical approaches; technology and computer applications. Nursing Description Research activity relevant to the disciplines of nursing, midwifery and health visiting and all the contexts within which they operate - including policy, practice, education and management. Other Studies and Professions Allied to Medicine Description Biomedical sciences; nutrition; optometry; radiography; occupational therapy; physiotherapy; speech and language therapy; art, music and drama therapy; health promotion; and other studies and professions allied to medicine. Pharmacology Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Cell and molecular physiology and pharmacology, neuroscience, systems anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, cell and developmental biology. Pharmacy Description Sciences underpinning the discovery and development of medicines, and researchsintostheir use in society and the associated pharmacy services. These include pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice. Philosophy Description All areas of, styles of and approaches to philosophy including, among others: history of philosophy including ancient, medieval, modern and recent; metaphysics; epistemology; logic; philosophy of science; philosophy of mind; philosophy of language; philosophy of religion; 19th and 20th century European philosophy including phenomenology, existentialism, critical theory, hermeneutics and deconstruction; ethics including applied ethics; political and social philosophy; applied philosophy; feminist philosophy; aesthetics; teaching philosophy. Physics Description Theoretical, computational and experimental studies of: quantum physics; atomic, molecular and optical physics; plasma physics; particle and nuclear physics; surface physics; condensed and soft matter; biophysics; semiconductors, lasers and optoelectronics; magnetism, superconductivity and quantum fluids; fluid dynamics; chaotic and non-linear systems; astronomy, planetary and atmospheric physics; astrophysics, cosmology and relativity; medical physics; applied physics; pedagogic research in physics. Physiology Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Cell and molecular physiology and pharmacology, neuroscience, systems anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, cell and developmental biology Politics and International Studies Description Comparative, area, national and sub-national politics; public administration and policy studies, including science and technology policy; political behaviour and political sociology, including gender; political theory and philosophy, including history of political thought; international relations, including strategic, war and peace studies, international political economy and foreign policy analysis; methods in political studies, and HE pedagogic research. Pre-Clinical Studies Description (Joint panel with single descriptor) Cell and molecular physiology and pharmacology, neuroscience, systems anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, cell and developmental biology. Psychology Description Human experimental psychology (including perception, cognition, psycholinguistics); mathematical and statistical psychology; neuropsychology; psychometrics; biological psychology (psychopharmacology, psychophysiology, behavioural neuroscience, animal learning, comparative and evolutionary psychology); social psychology; developmental psychology; applied psychology including clinical, health, counselling, educational, forensic and occupational psychology, cognitive ergonomics and human factors; psychologically relevant areas of neuroscience and cognitive science. Pure Mathematics Description Group theory, number theory, general algebra, algebraic and lie groups, algebraic geometry, topology, geometric analysis, linear analysis, operator theory and operator algebras, complex analysis, ode and dynamical systems, PDE, probability theory and stochastic analysis, harmonic analysis, mathematical logic, combinatorics. Russian, Slavonic and East European Languages Description Russian and other Slavonic and East European languages; relevant studies of literature, culture, society, history and thought; language and linguistics. Social Policy and Administration Description Theoretical social policy; comparative social policy and administration; history of social policy; politics of social policy; economics of social policy; management systems and cultures; ethics and values; methods of social policy research; higher education pedagogy of social policy; concepts of social justice; the mixed economy of welfare; socio-legal issues; crime and criminal justice policy; urban policy; housing policy; social divisions of welfare and links to structures of inequality (eg social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, visible minorities, disabilities, age); poverty and social exclusion; sociology of welfare; employment and labour markets; demography; gerontology and studies of ageing; social policy in developing and developed countries; policy, practice and service delivery with regards to social security and income maintenance; health; personal social services; education; youth; care and caring; families; voluntary associations and communities. Social Work Description Theoretical social policy; comparative social policy and administration; history of social policy; politics of social policy; economics of social policy; management systems and cultures; ethics and values; methods of social policy research; higher education pedagogy of social policy; concepts of social justice; the mixed economy of welfare; socio-legal issues; crime and criminal justice policy; urban policy; housing policy; social divisions of welfare and links to structures of inequality (eg social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, visible minorities, disabilities, age); poverty and social exclusion; sociology of welfare; employment and labour markets; demography; gerontology and studies of ageing; social policy in developing and developed countries; policy, practice and service delivery with regards to social security and income maintenance; health; personal social services; education; youth; care and caring; families; voluntary associations and communities. Sociology Description Quantitative and qualitative, empirical and theoretical study of the social structures, cultures and everyday practices of advanced and developing societies, covering styles and material standards of living, opinions, values and institutions; includes social theory and social research methodology. Sociological research on: culture, economics and politics; class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and age; religion, education, health, and welfare institutions; the body; urban and rural areas; pedagogy; development and globalisation; demography; criminology; socio-legal studies; social studies of science and technology, and the philosophy of social science. Women's studies. Sports-related Subjects Description Physical education, sports nutrition, sport and exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, sport and exercise biomechanics, sociology of sport and leisure, leisure studies, exercise and health, sports medicine, motor skills, sport technology and engineering, philosophy of sport and leisure, sport management, history of sport and physical exercise, sport and leisure policy, leisure and recreation management, sport and leisure economics, sports law and pedagogic research in higher education in any of the above subjects. Statistics and Operational Research Description Statistical methodology and applications (such as medical statistics, economic and social statistics, financial modelling), mathematical statistics, operational research, applied probability and probability theory. Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies Description The study of the world's religions, specific or comparative, including their scriptures, thought, history, ethical teaching, social and cultural impact, practices and related areas. Theological, textual, philosophical, sociological, anthropological and applied approaches Town and Country Planning Description Planning history, theory, techniques, law and practice. Local and regional planning theory and practice, spatial planning, regional analysis, policy and development. Governance. Urban analysis, policy and regeneration; economic development, economics of planning; urban design and conservation; environmental planning, including EIA; rural, recreation and tourism and sustainability issues. Housing theory and policy, development, management and finance. Community planning and social exclusion. Transport planning, policy, practice, modelling, evaluation and socio-economic/environmental aspects. Property investment, development and management, finance, valuation, law and economics. Information management and technology in these fields. Veterinary Science Description Management of rural resources and environment for the purpose of food and non-food production from crops and animals, and for services. Natural and social sciences which are studied in this context. (Horticulture, soil science, forestry, aquaculture, marketing and trade, and rural development are included.)
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