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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/30 19:58  海外求学



  一般来说在留学签证(F1签证)中并不涉及到英语文书写作问题除了加拿大的学生签证要求详细的留学计划Plan of Studies其他国家,如美国,国,是不要求申请者递交留学
计划的。加拿大的留学签证申请主要体现在书面材料的详细准备上,包括合理的具有说服力的留学计划,而美国签证的关键则在于申请者在面试(visa interview)中的表现,签证自述信(Statement of Academic Plan),申诉信(Appeal Letter)只是签证面试的辅助手段,是申请者为了更有效地传达自己的学习计划和目的或阐明自己被拒的不公平、不合理之处的书面文件,并不是使馆所要求的。然而我们过去多年的签证咨询经验表明,在相对较难的美国签证中,仔细准备签证自述信和申诉信,即使在签证官不看的情况下也能在以下几个方面为申请者提供很大的帮助:一是明确自己在签证面试中的优势及弱点,确定自己的重点;二是理清自己的思路,鼓足自己的信心;三是抓住签证面试的本质,更好地体现我们所倡导的一个核心(申请者是否符合美国移民标准),三个基本点(即三个W:你是谁,你去美国学什么,你将来会成为什么)和四项基本原则(自信、真实、合理、具体)。我认为与其费尽心思准备所谓的“签证100问”、“美国签证200问”等,倒不如好好反思一下自己所要学的专业及自己的职业规划,理清自己的思路,用书面的形式写一份好的自述,这是因为签证官的绝大多数问题都跑不出三个W的范围。本篇我主要借一案例谈一下签证自述信的写作,希望能够帮助美国留学签证申请者更好地领悟以上所提到的美国签证的本质。


  宁静的主要弱点在于工作经验不足,只有一年,去参加MBA这样一个职业培训(professional training)性质的Program,很难向签证官讲述自己的才能、成就、经历、事业、野心、前途等,很难证明自己是一个“成功的professional businesswoman”自然也无法令签证官信服她的学习计划的合理性。许多人只有一两年的工作经验虽然申请到商学院的录取通知却往往在签证这一关卡住原因就在于此。工作经验不足,就无法证明你是一个优秀的商人,更无法让签证官相信你有足够的资金来支付如此昂贵的学费和生活费(90%以上去美国读MBA的学生是自费或半自费)。好在宁静的家庭背景很强,她的父母可以资助她去美国读书,所以就没有资金来源的问题了。但她还是要面临一个问题,如何证明自己的优秀,自己将来会成为一个成功的职业经理人。这就需要表述自己已经表现出来的商业头脑和资质,还需要一个合理的职业规划和学习计划,这正是宁静所拥有的。

  首先,宁静虽然只有一年的Full-time工作经验,但是她的quality work experience和成就却比一些工作多年的人还要强。我就咨询过一个客户,在银行工作已经8年,却还只是一个办事员(a clerk)!他的工作经验也就不是quality experience,也就没有什么成就。而宁静不同。她在大三大四是就已经进入了中国新兴的私人教育市场,毕业时已经是一个双语学校的主要创始人和股东之一,并参与了全程的建设工作,在半年之内完成了两期的循环。宁静十分热衷于教育事业,她本想在中国,在目前的学校再工作3-5年,但是自己过去的经历和挫折促使自己做出出国读MBA的决定,主要因为:1、学校团队(乃至大部分中国的私人教育机构)中很少人懂得教育,更不用去建立一个中国传统教育和西方个性教育相结合的体系了,当然,这还不是她去学MBA的最主要原因;2、在中国,很少有人能把商人的睿智和教育家的眼光集于一身的,所以她企图引进资本并没有成功。她太年轻,还没有足够的资本赢得资本市场和有关行政机构的完全信任。MBA学位却能使他获得这一切;3、中国教育市场潜力巨大,但政府并没有完全放开私人教育市场,但会逐渐放开。她和包括自己的父母,合伙人以及很多意欲投资中国教育市场的美国专家谈过,他们都支持自己的决定。两年后回来时机会更佳;4、在美国学习MBA过程中可以建立一个人际网络,对于她以后在教育领域大显身手也是很有必要的。总之,她去美国读MBA的决定全部围绕着自己将来在中国教育市场大显身手的理想展开。以上各种因素在总结、归纳整理后就写成一篇语言流畅通顺,结构条理清楚的留学签证自述信。

  自述信(Statement of My Academic Plan)原文如下

  Achieving my MBA from S B-school will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to realize my clearly defined career objective, that is, to replicate a self-developed educational training program and expand to a national level in China. To do so successfully will require that I develop advanced business abilities from within the context of a top MBA program.

  As a young woman, I have accumulated practical experience of a quality that surpasses people many years my senior. Consider my current project. At the age of just 23, I have successfully introduced a new style of educational training to China. Working as a core member on a team of three, I have been intimately involved in the development of a highly effective training program that blends aspects of both the eastern and western educational systems. In addition to myself, our team includes a Yale graduated American professor and a highly respected Chinese educator. Our operation, based in my home city of Weiming, represents the first of its kind in China. My many responsibilities have included team building, curriculum design, foreign-staff management, and much more.

  My experience on this project has convinced me that to tap the vast potential of the educational market in China, I will need to undergo a top-level business education. In the Chinese educational system of today, deficiencies are many. Teacher training programs like ours simply don't exist. Schools are usually run not by educators, but by administrators who possess little or no specialized knowledge in the area of business. Additionally, there is an astonishing void in disability education in China, in spite of a disabled population that numbers over 52 million! My project directly addresses these trouble spots, and positions me well to make a strong contribution to educational reform in my country.

  In making my preparations for study abroad, I have received the strong support of my partners, who will continue with the operation while I'm away. To date, our school has met with success, as our creative approach to education has benefited more than 1000 students. But in seeking a rollout of our model on a national scale, we are well aware that we must combine our educational philosophy with strong business acumen. As I act as the driving force behind the business, my partners will make every effort to assist me in my bid to achieve my MBA.

  An MBA from S B-School is a perfect fit for my needs. Well known for its tradition of teacher training, S B-School also provides strong instruction in the area of effective disability-assistance resource allocation. At S B-School, I will learn how to finance our schools expansion, as well as how to better structure both the business model and training program so that they are scaleable and able to meet the demands associated with rapid growth. Additionally, an MBA from S B-School will enhance my credibility as a businesswoman in China, thus helping me to gain valuable support from the business community and appropriate government agencies.

  I consider myself a trendsetter and a visionary in the field of education in China. China's entrysintosthe WTO has greatly accelerated educational reform here, opening the doors of opportunity to those such as myself. Considering the essential nature of an MBA as it relates to the realization of my master plan, I ask that you help by granting my visa to undergo study at S B-School. Thank you

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