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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/28 11:01  留学网

  “Whether they choose to stay in Canada or return to their home country, they will have acquired Canadian experience and values that will enrich their lives. They will also spread the word about the quality of education Canada has to offer,” added the Minister.

  CIC has also made other adjustments to its international study program. Fo
r example:

  Post-secondary international students can now transfer between programs of study and institutions without applying for a change to the conditions of their study permit.

  Secondary-level international students can now obtain longer high-school study permits.

  As of May 16, 2005, international students who meet the eligibility criteria for a second year of post-graduation employment will be issued a two-year work permit. For these students, the two-year work permit will only be valid for one year since they will have already completed their first year of post-graduate work.

  As with existing pilot projects, the off-campus work initiative will be implemented bilaterally in each province and territory, following agreements with CIC.

  For more information on today’s announcement or on how to obtain a permit to study in Canada, please visit CIC’s Web site at www.cic.gc.ca.

  For more information (media only):

  Stephen HeckbertDirector of CommunicationsOffice of the Minister(613) 954-1064

  Maria IadinardiMedia RelationsCommunications Branch(613) 952-0740

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