

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月29日 09:40   新浪教育

  We all do seem to have made it to this point — more or less in one piece. Though I recently learned that we have not provided you with dinner since May 22. I know we need to wean you from Harvard in a figurative sense. I never knew we took it quite so literally.


  But let’s return to that notion of cold calls for a moment. Let’s imagine this were a baccalaureate service in the form of Q & A, and you were asking the questions. “What is the meaning of life, President Faust? What were these four years at Harvard for? President Faust, you must have learned something since you graduated from college exactly 40 years ago?” (Forty years. I’ll say it out loud since every detail of my life — and certainly the year of my Bryn Mawr degree — now seems to be publicly available. But please remember I was young for my class.)


  In a way, you have been engaging me in this Q & A for the past year. On just these questions, although you have phrased them a bit more narrowly. And I have been trying to figure out how I might answer and, perhaps more intriguingly, why you were asking.


  Let me explain. It actually began when I met with the UC just after my appointment was announced in the winter of 2007. Then the questions continued when I had lunch at Kirkland House, dinner at Leverett, when I met with students in my office hours, even with some recent graduates I encountered abroad. The first thing you asked me about wasn’t the curriculum or advising or faculty contact or even student space. In fact, it wasn’t even alcohol policy. Instead, you repeatedly asked me: Why are so many of us going to Wall Street? Why are we going in such numbers from Harvard to finance, consulting, i-banking?

  听我解释。提问从2007年冬天我的任职被公布时与校方的会面就开始了。然后提问一直持续,不论是我在Kirkland House(哈佛的12个本科生宿舍之一)吃午饭还是在Leverett House(哈佛的12个本科生宿舍之一,本科高年级学生使用)吃晚饭,或是当我在办公时间与学生会见,甚至是我在与国外认识的刚考来的研究生的谈话中。你们问的第一个问题不是关于课业,不是让我提建议,也不是为了和教员接触,甚至是想向我提建议。事实上,更不是为了和我讨论酒精政策。相反,你们不厌其烦问的却是:为什么我们之中这么多人将去华尔街?为什么我们大量的学生都从哈佛走向了金融,理财咨询,投行?


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