

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月06日 15:02   新浪教育

76 74 Arizona State University: Carey U.S.A. 99,624 97 92 ( 88)

77 - Aston Business School U.K. 86,364 99 100 ( 98)

77 - University of Alberta Canada 75,084 95 98 ( 100)

77 74 University of Notre Dame: Mendoza U.S.A. 106,487 110 91 ( 95)

80 - Durham Business School U.K. 104,282 81 93 ( 88)

80 64 Purdue University: Krannert U.S.A. 100,856 92 86 ( 99)

80 86 Ohio State University: Fisher U.S.A. 93,744 105 95 ( 93)

83 - Birmingham Business School U.K. 82,624 99 100 ( 60)

83 75 University of Bath School of Management U.K. 107,613 79 81 ( 77)

85 74 George Washington University U.S.A. 101,530 91 88 ( 93)

86 - Wake Forest University: Babcock U.S.A. 100,727 108 88 ( 100)

87 - Grenoble Graduate School of Business France 83,516 80 86 ( 81)

87 70

Bradford School of Management/TiasNimbas Business


U.K. / Netherlands / Germany 96,144 89 92 ( 59)

89 71 Boston College: Carroll U.S.A. 108,162 85 91 ( 97)

89 87 Babson College: Olin U.S.A. 109,541 87 83 ( 88)

91 95 Eada Spain 89,786 103 88 ( 73)

92 - Coppead Brazil 96,938 98 42 ( 100)

92 63 University of Edinburgh Business School U.K. 101,884 75 94 ( 92)

92 77 Brigham Young University: Marriott U.S.A. 97,789 104 95 ( 100)

95 92 Case Western Reserve University: Weatherhead U.S.A. 99,238 95 72 ( 92)

95 92 Wisconsin School of Business U.S.A. 99,138 88 94 ( 100)

97 - Hult International Business School U.S.A. / U.K. / U.A.E 96,915 85 89 ( 96)

98 - University of Miami School of Business U.S.A. 92,064 95 74 ( 84)

99 98 University College Dublin: Smurfit Ireland 104,934 66 97 ( 97)

100 90 Nottingham University Business School U.K. 99,647 62 94 ( 88)

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