

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年03月19日 14:07   新浪教育

本文选自《大学导航网collegegps.com》的博客, 点击查看博客原文

  1. Tomorrows Builders Charter School

  2. Kennedy/Lloyd Charter School

  3. School of Humanities

  4. HR Acad/Global Awareness HA

  5. Youthbuild Charleston Center

  6. Robeson High School

  7. Spring Creek Elementary

  8. Morningside Middle School

  9. Brentwood Middle School

  10. Midlands Math and Business Academy

  11. Circle of Courage Learning Center

  12. Charleston Development Academy

  13. Choices School

  14. Alcorn Middle School

  15. Vechig Himdag Mashchamakud

  16. Dorman High Freshman Campus

  17. Lakeview Middle School

  18. Harper High School

  19. Bus. Entrepreneurship, Science, Tech. Academy

  20. Welcome Center @ Mifflin M.S。

  21. Englewood Technical Prep Academic HS

  22. W.A. Perry Middle School

  23. Hope CS

  24. Fenger Academy High School

  25. Milwaukee Spectrum School



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