Newcastle University
NewcastleUniversity is based in the North East of England, and has a globalreputation for high quality teaching and cutting edge research. TheUniversity is currently ranked 20th in the UK, in the Times GoodUniversity Guide 2009, and is a member of the elite Russell Group, anassociation of the leading research-intensive universities in the UK.Newcastle University has recently been ranked 7th in the world forinternational student satisfaction in the International StudentBarometer Survey Autumn 2007. Newcastle is one of the most exciting,friendly and cosmopolitan cities in the UK, and is fast becoming aninternationally renowned centre of culture and science. Newcastle hasan international airport and is 3 hours by train from London. There isan extensive bus network and underground metro transport system withstations close to the University campus, making transportation aroundthe city quick and easy. Newcastle is a fairly inexpensive place forstudents to live compared with many other places in the UK, and theUniversity has one of the best track records for graduate employment inthe country。