Sheffield Hallam University
Shef.eldHallam University is one of the UK's most progressive and innovativeuniversities, with more than 28,000 students from a diverse range ofbackgrounds。
Ranked in the top group of modern universities in the UK, Shef.eldHallam University has earned an excellent reputation for its teachingquality and applied research。
With over 750 courses in a wide range of subjects, supported bystate-of-the-art facilities and learning resources, Shef.eld HallamUniversity is the .rst choice of students who want a top career。
At Sheffield Hallam University, our aim is to prepare our students forwork in the global economy. We provide our students not only with agood qualification but also relevant professional skills and experiencewhich make them highly employable。
To .nd out more about the University, and our courses, visit ourwebsite. We also hold a weekly web chat every Wednesday morning so thatyou can ask questions and .nd out more about life at Shef.eld Hallam。