2009年中国国际教育展将于10月17日在北京拉开帷幕,随后巡回武汉、上海、成都和广州5个城市,以下为英国此次参展院校ENFOREX 西班牙语世界的西班牙语(理想教育集团)简介:
ENFOREX - Spanish in the Spanish World (Ideal Education Group)
ENFOREX 西班牙语世界的西班牙语(理想教育集团)
Enforex isthe leading, most prestigious Spanish language organisation in theworld with 24 schools in Spain and all over Latin America. Working withus means an easy job, great service, wide offer, friendly approach,guaranteed confirmation (for last minute bookings too) and fastreplies. We provide the biggest and most complete Spanish programme youcan find in the market, centralising all operations in our Madrid HeadOffice for all our schools and programmes。