
简介:Instituto Español Murallas de Avila

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 10:53   新浪教育

  2009年中国国际教育展将于10月17日在北京拉开帷幕,随后巡回武汉、上海、成都和广州5个城市,以下为英国此次参展院校Instituto Español Murallas de Avila, S.L简介:

  Instituto Español Murallas de Avila, S.L

  IEMA wasfounded in 1989 by the Spanish philologist, Maria del Carmen VarasVelayos and the German philologist, Dr. Rainer Rutkowski.The objectiveis to offer high quality Spanish courses to very small groups(up to 8), in a well situated, safety and attractive city which is not overrunby foreigners and situated in a region where the official Spanish isspoken. We have the programm which students can study in Univerdity ofAvila and they receive a certificate of attendance for the subjectstaken at University and a transcript of Records for the Spanishlanguage course with credits. IEMA is the place where Spanish studyforeign languages ,a perfect place for you to know Spanish people. IEMAis official DELE preparation school, and collaborates with MadridChamber of Commerce (courses and exams in Business Spanish, Spanish forTourism and Medicine) and is its official examination centre. IEMA iscollaborationg in a working group of the Council of Europe in order toadapt the language examinations and assessment criteria to the CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for languages。



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