University of St. Andrews
StAndrews is Scotland's first university and the third oldest in the UK.Founded in 1413, it has been an international centre for academicexcellence for almost 600 years. Today, its teaching and research placeit high on the list of Britain’s elite universities. Situated in abeautiful, historic, old city by the sea, the university attractsstudents from all over the world who can study in a safe, peacefulenvironment. It offer a wide range of programmes, including foundationprogrammes especially designed to help international students make aneasy transition into an English-speaking academic environment. TheUniversity has consistently high rankings for teaching and researchquality, graduate employability and it enjoys very high retentionrates. In addition to its libraries, laboratories and other teachingand learning spaces, it also provides students good facilities forsports, music and socializing。
The University offers an excellent student experience and was ranked1st mainstream university in the UK in the 2009 national studentsurvey. It is currently ranked 3rd in the UK by the Guardian, and 4thin the UK by the Times。