
教育展参展高校简介:University of Burgos

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 11:21   新浪教育

  2009年中国国际教育展将于10月17日在北京拉开帷幕,随后巡回武汉、上海、成都和广州5个城市,以下为英国此次参展院校University of Burgos简介:

  University of Burgos

  TheUniversity of Burgos (UBU) has 9000 students and offers over 30 degreesat Bachelor and Master level and more than 20 PhD programmes in severalfields. The UBU has 8 Faculties and Schools: Faculty of Sciences,Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Faculty ofHumanities and Education, Polytechnic School, Nursing School, Schoolfor Labour Relations and School for Tourism Studies。

  The UBU,responding to the growing interest in Spanish language across theworld, offers also courses in Spanish Language and Culture。

  Ourcourses are intended to enable students to learn our language andculture while immersed in a linguistic experience and a city that hoststhree monuments declared by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sites: thecathedral, the archaeological site of Atapuerca and the Santiagopilgrims way. The University is located in the “Hospital del Rey”, aformer monastic hospital founded in 1195 for the pilgrims on their wayto Santiago. Together with Art and Histoty the University of Burgos hasnew facilities and modern technological means that allow a uniqueatmosphere to learn the Spanish language and Spanish culture。




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