Waseda University
As one of the top universities in Japan, Waseda University has been producing more than 580,000 graduates. Since its establishment in 1882, it has been actively welcoming international students from around the globe until the present day. The university has 13 undergraduate schools and 22 graduate schools at the present moment.
Waseda University's main campus is located in Shinjuku-ku. Apart from the main campus, other 5 campuses are located in Tokyo and other Prefectures.
作为日本顶尖的大学之一,早稻田大学共培养了超过 580,000名学生。自 1882年建立至今,早稻田大学一直着力于吸引来自世界各国的留学生。早稻田大学共设有 13个本科生院系、22个研究生院系。
早稻田大学主校园位于新宿区。除主校园之外,另设有 5个分校区及若干机构。
参展城市 |
北京 (10月17-18日) |
武汉 (10月21日) |
上海 (10月24-25日) |
成都 (10月28日) |
广州 (10月30-11月1日) |
C329 | A111 |