

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月22日 09:39   新浪教育




  Founded a century ago, the University of Alberta is one of the top 100 teaching and research universities in the world serving more than 36,000 students with 11,000 faculty and staff. The U of A has an annual budget in excess of $1 billion and attracts more than $480 million in external research funding. It offers close to 400 undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in 18 faculties。

  The University of Alberta’s vision since its inception more than 100 years ago has been to be one of the world’s great universities for the public good. In the words of our first president, Henry Marshall Tory, the U of A is an institution directed toward the “uplifting of the whole people” in Alberta, across Canada, and around the world. This vision endures in the university’s current vision document, Dare to Discover, and our academic plan, Dare to Deliver。

  Created – in the words of its first president, Henry Marshall Tory – "for the uplifting of the whole people," the university is committed to inspiring the human spirit through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship and building one of the world's great universities for the public good。



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