瑞典皇家理工学院位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩,成立于1827年,为瑞典最大的工学院之一,校名原为“工学院”(Teknologiska Institutet),1877年起改为现名。瑞典全国约三分之一的工程师都出自这所大学。该校除了位于斯德哥尔摩东城的主校区外,另外还有西斯塔、汉宁南、胡丁厄和南泰利耶几个校区,是瑞典最大、最古老的公立理工类高等学校,也是一所国际性的高等教育机构,与世界上多所大学和学院建立了研究和教育关系。
KTH accounts for one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level. Education and research cover a broad spectrum – from natural sciences to all the branches of engineering as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. In addition to the research carried out by KTH’s Schools, a large number of both national and local Competence Centres are located at KTH. Various research foundations also finance a number of research programmes。
There are a total of just over 13,000 full-year equivalent undergraduate students, more than 1,500 active postgraduate students and 2,935 full time equivalent employees。
KTH was founded in 1827 and the main campus has been located in attractive, and now listed, buildings in central Stockholm since 1917. In addition, KTH and Stockholm University jointly offer study programmes and carry on research in biotechnology and physics at AlbaNova University Center, located at Roslagstull. The School of Information and Communication Technology is located on the Kista campus, north of Stockholm, while the School of Technology and Health is located in Haninge, Flemingsberg and Södertälje, south of Stockholm。