

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月22日 12:02   新浪教育




  巴黎政治大学的教学包括本部、博士生院、新闻学院、传播学院、公共事务学院和继续教育学院,设有学士、硕士和博士个阶段。本科阶段部分专业属于通识教育,面对全球招生,学生广泛涉猎各个领域的知识并且自由选择,第三年一定是到国外交流或者实习,极具国际远见的三年级的国际学习项目对法国和全球各地学生具有强大的吸引力;硕士阶段设有公共事务、传播学(2007年创立传播学院),市场营销,市场调查、欧洲事务、国际事务,发展事务,财政、金融、经济学和历史等等12个硕士专业,一个双语工商管理硕士(MBA)文凭和一个欧洲公共事务硕士 (MPA) 课程。

  巴黎政治大学2009年有在校学生9000 (5000 en 2004)多人,其中博士生450人,外国学生占42%。此外,继续教育部每年还为6000多名企业或公共行政部门管理人员举办职业培训班。

  Sciences Po Paris is a university which, since its beginnings, is open to the world. This opening is embodied in its educational project, solidly planted on the European cultural base, in its extremely dynamic student and teacher recruitment policy, as well as in its partnership strategies with major foreign universities。

  What is a European education, firmly anchored in an international culture? An education in which “rigor”, “standards” and “excellence” are key, leaving room for the development of personalities and synergism. An education imbued with humanist, as well as scientific, culture which must be perceived as an elevation rather than a simple transfer of knowledge or skills。

  Because, while our curriculums rest on the major international issues and the mastery of several languages, they are firmly in keeping with European heritage: our seven campuses are located at the very heart of cities whose history and growth are intimately linked to the development of intellectual life, to the diversity of exchanges and to the freedom of thought in Europe。



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