

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月22日 14:42   新浪教育




  根据英国泰晤士高等教育增刊(THES),2008年霍普金斯大学综合排名第9(全美)和第13(全球)。2009年上海交大世界大学学术评价(ARWU)中,其排名则为全球第19,全美第17。在最新出炉的2010美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. News and World Report)全美最佳大学排行榜中,霍普金斯大学在“国家级大学”(National Universities)中位列第14。

  The Johns Hopkins University opened in 1876, with the inauguration of its first president, Daniel Coit Gilman。

  The mission laid out by Gilman remains the university's mission today, summed up in a simple but powerful restatement of Gilman's own words: "Knowledge for the world."

  What Gilman created was a research university, dedicated to advancing both students' knowledge and the state of human knowledge through research and scholarship. Gilman believed that teaching and research are interdependent, that success in one depends on success in the other. A modern university, he believed, must do both well. The realization of Gilman's philosophy at Johns Hopkins, and at other institutions that later attracted Johns Hopkins-trained scholars, revolutionized higher education in America, leading to the research university system as it exists today。

  After more than 130 years, Johns Hopkins remains a world leader in both teaching and research. Eminent professors mentor top students in the arts and music, the humanities, the social and natural sciences, engineering, international studies, education, business and the health professions. Those same faculty members, and their research colleagues at the university's Applied Physics Laboratory, have each year since 1979 won Johns Hopkins more federal research and development funding than any other university。



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