
Accountants 会计师

People say Britain is run by accountants, is that true? Do people in Britain have special respect for accountants?

Zhen Xin


Every year there are thousands of people entering the accounting profession. It’s regarded as a traditional career option and offers good rewards for those who enjoy working with numbers.

But there are also some stereotypes associated with accountants. Are these images still true?

Find out with Helen and Li as they put Zhen Xin’s question to the general public and to an accountant.

Hector the tax man

Right: Hector the tax man was a cartoon character used by the British government in public information films about tax. He looks like the traditional stereotype of an accountant.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk


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