
Healthy Lifestyle 健康生活方式

I am interested in good health. Could you introduce some ways of staying fit and healthy? What's a healthy lifestyle for British people? Thanks.

Julia, Shandong

Nowadays people are increasingly health-conscious and how to have a healthy lifestyle has become a hot topic of conversation.

In Britain, just as in China, everyone has different ideas about what is good and bad for your health.

Yang Li and William speak to a number of people in London to hear their views on the topic of healthy lifestyles.

Fruit and veg

Fruit and vegetables are essential for good health

So what are their tips on keeping fit and healthy?

You will also learn a lot of useful English words and expressions relating to health and fitness.

To help you understand the clips better we have designed a quiz to test your comprehension.

Good luck and enjoy.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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