
Ice-breakers 如何避免初次交谈中的冷场

I'm a college student majoring in business English. I'm very confused how to start a talk with foreigners who come to visit China. Sometimes I think it's hard to find a common topic with them because I think we have culture difference, so when I talk to them I feel very nervous and little confidence. Could you give me some suggestions?

Lu Ping, from Chengdu

What do you talk about when you meet someone for the first time?

This is Lu Ping's question. He is concerned that the cultural difference between China and Western countries can make it hard to communicate when he meets foreigners in China.

In this week's programme Finn and Wang Fei discuss different topics that are popular ice-breakers in Britain.


Break the ice and make new friends

What do you think will be the most popular topic?

Do you have a question about Britain?


Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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