
Official Holidays 节假日

What are other festivals in Britain besides the biggest one, Christmas? And how do people celebrate them?

Anson Chan, Guangdong

Holidays play an important part in people's lives.

In the UK Christmas is probably the biggest holiday for everyone.

Many official bank holidays in the UK often fall before or after weekends, so people have the opportunities to have long weekends.

Often they give people the chance to take a break and spend time with their families.

A beach

British people love a beach holiday

Easter and New Year's Day are other public holidays, but what about festivals that don't give us time off work?

Helen and Feifei ask people which festivals they enjoy and where these festivals originate from.

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If you have a question about British culture for the BBC Learning English China Team, email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk and we might answer it in this programme.

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