
Stress in the City 城市中的压力

What stresses do young people suffer in modern British society, especially those who make a living in big cities like London and Birmingham?

Richard from Shanghai

We can all get stressed about big things or little things in our daily lives.

But living in a big city like London can push some people over the edge.

Stress is increasingly becoming one of the main causes of illness in the Western world.

What do young people find most stressful about living and working in London?

How do they try to combat the pressures of city life?

A man working on a computer

Do you find work stressful?

And what do they do to relax?

Find out more about this issue by listening to this programme presented by Andrea and Jean.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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