
France Rocks in English 法国乐坛刮起英国风

By Hugh Schofield, BBC reporter, Paris

French band

Young French musicians are joining the globalised world




The breakthrough for bands that sing in English has not been straightforward. Under France's cultural protection laws, radio stations can only play a set amount of English-language music, and most prefer to fill their quota with actual British or American bands.

That means little airtime for French-English bands.

There's also a feeling among some critics that singing in English is perhaps a bit of a cop out. But for the members of Anorak, in rehearsal here outside Paris, singing in English is simply a recognition of changing times.

The internet generation cares little for national barriers, today's French youngsters are tuned into English like everyone else is, so why feel guilty? Language has always been a vital part of French culture, so whether you like it or resent it, what's happening is undoubtedly significant. Young French musicians are abandoning their linguistic heritage, and joining the globalised world.

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