
Chelsea Extend Lead 切尔希乘胜追击

John Terry scores

John Terry scored the game's only goal

Chelsea extended their lead at the top of the Premier League by five points on Sunday after beating Manchester United 1-0 at Stamford Bridge.

John Terry headed in 头球入网 the only goal from a free kick after Darren Fletcher was judged to have fouled Chelsea player Joe Cole.

Predictably 不出所料 Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was quick to question the referee’s decision to penalise 惩罚 his team.

Sir Alex described the free-kick decision as "absolutely ridiculous 荒唐的", adding that decisions like that caused him to "lose faith in refereeing".

The referee's position to make the decision [for the goal] was absolutely ridiculous.

Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United, Manager

To lose faith in something means to no longer believe that it is right or good.

Ferguson’s criticism of the officials’ decisions came as a return to his usual confrontational stance 对抗的立场 toward referees, having memorably apologised to a referee only weeks before.

Despite complaining about the "goal that should never have been allowed", Ferguson admitted that his players had to shoulder the responsibility 承担责任 for not scoring goals of their own.

"We've had great chances to win the match and not taken them - and that's our fault," said Ferguson.

Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti was keeping his cards close to his chest 好牌不露/不露声色的 with regards to his team’s chances of winning the title this year.

He's having a Guinness he deserves one. He does like the spotlight - there's nothing wrong with that - but he's chosen not to.

Brian Horton, Hull City, Assistant Manager

"Today was a little step [towards the title] but it’s a long season," said Ancelotti.

At the other end of the Premier League the under-fire 受到抨击的 manager of Hull City may have saved his job by overseeing his team’s 2-1 win over Stoke.

Phil Brown’s men clawed their way out of 挣扎出来 the relegation zone 降级区 on Sunday, but unusually their manager didn’t attend the post-match press conference 赛后新闻发布会.

Assistant manager Brian Horton explained Brown’s absence.

"He's having a Guinness 健力士黑啤酒 - he deserves one. He does like the spotlight - there's nothing wrong with that - but he's chosen not to," said Horton.

To like the spotlight 关注焦点 means to enjoy being the centre of attention.

But this time it seems that Phil Brown was happy just to enjoy the rare feeling of victory.

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