
Chelsea Get Off to a Flying Start 切尔西出师大捷

Chelsea have got off to a flying start 成功的开始 after the first week of the Premiership, with three wins over Hull, Sunderland and local rivals 对手 Fulham.

I am happy because it was a derby, it was a difficult game. Now is a fantastic moment; I know very well that we have to work to maintain the same situation.

Carlo Ancelotti, Chelsea Manager

It’s surely just the sort of beginning that Chelsea’s new manager Carlo Ancelotti was looking for. After the match, he described the 2-0 win over Fulham as a “fantastic moment”.

Ancelotti pointed out that the match had extra significance since it was a derby – a match played between local teams.

In the first half of the game, Fulham played a very tight, defensive 紧凑的保守战略 game. It was only a couple of minutes before the whistle 口哨声指比赛结束that Nicolas Anelka managed to thread 精确的传球 the ball from the right to Didier Drogba, who dropped it 轻轻的踢进去了 into the bottom right of the goal.

In the second half, Chelsea were the dominant force 有竞争优势压着对方. The Blues’ second goal came 14 minutes before the end and it was another joint effort from Anelka and Drogba, this time with their roles reversed 角色对换.

A fast through ball 穿过对方防守的前传球 from Drogba was all the fleet-footed 跑得很快的 Anelka needed to score from within the area 禁区. Anelka was last season’s top goal-scorer and that form 状态 looks set to continue.

Drogba and Anelka embracing after a goal

Nicolas Anelka celebrates with his team-mate Didier Drogba

The fluid 流畅的 teamwork between the pair comes as a refutation 反驳 to critics who say that although the players are individually brilliant, they don’t work together very well.

“Yeah we both scored” Drogba said after the match, “and that’s nice, that’s really nice. We know that we can play together.”

We’re not there yet but the good thing is we’re winning at the moment and I hope in the next weeks we’re going to be better.

Didier Drogba, Chelsea striker

Like his manager, the striker was keen to stress that Chelsea still have a lot of work to do in maintaining their current form. The Blues are currently second on the table, but all the indicators 迹象征兆 are that this will be a very close-run 不相上下的 and interesting season, with a potential challenge to the dominance of the ‘big four四大足球俱乐部.

As Drogba pointed out, it may be some time before there is a clear picture, or idea, of how this year’s league will shape up 成形.

“This is just the start you know. I think the picture will be better in two months.”

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