
Where Applicable 在有关或适合的地方

I'm a die-hard fan of your programme. Today, while looking up the word applicable, I found a tricky use of this word. It's 'where applicable'. I couldn't figure out what exactly it means. Could you help me on this? Thank you.

Danny in Tianjin

This week's question is about something you may see written on an application form or a questionnaire. Often you get asked to tick the statements that are relevant to you where applicable.

The word applicable comes from the verb to apply, so where applicable indicates things that apply to you. So on a form, for example, you may be asked to tick the box that relates to your profession or your age; these are the facts that are appropriate to you.

George Clooney

Who is a fan of George Clooney?

Listen to the programme to find out if the statement, "all women love George Clooney" is applicable to Fei Fei.

If you have a question for our team, send it to us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk and we might answer it on this programme.

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