
Conflict Idioms 冲突和战争成语
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1 : To make a mistake or do something wrong that causes you trouble or harm is to shoot yourself in the ________.
A woman's legs
2 : If you have to accept or do something unpleasant because it cannot be avoided, you ________.
bite the bullet
shoot the bullet
fire the bullet
eat the bullet
3 : When you make peace with someone and stop arguing or fighting, you ________.
bury the hatchet
bury the axe
bury the gun
bury the sword
A person digging
4 : If you lose your job, you ________.
cross swords
fire your own gun
shoot an arrow
get the axe
An axe in a block of wook
5 : When someone drops a bombshell, they ________.
do something hurtful to someone which ruins their career or life
are extremely tactless and often give others' secrets away
announce something unexpected and shocking
refuse to do something helpful or kind
A man with an explosion in the background
6 : A person who is very difficult to control and unpredictable is ________.
a loose cannon
cannon fodder
a cannon ball
a fast cannon
A toy cannon

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