
Year of the Rabbit 兔年
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1 : If you are like a rabbit in the headlights, you __________.
enjoy being the centre of attention
are too scared to speak or move
are naturally strong at sports
have very large ears
Silhouettes of people wearing rabbit ears
2 : Which of these translations of 兔年大吉 sounds strange in English?
Happy Year of the Rabbit!
Rabbit Year Great Fortune!
Wishing you good fortune in the Year of the Rabbit!
Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit!
A rabbit
3 : In our Famous Rabbits series, Marie Curie "hopped over" what to become a great scientist?
The First World War
Marie Curie
4 : Which characteristic does Angelina Jolie share with rabbits, according to our programme?
Being conservative
Being introverted
Being obsessive
Being good at bargaining and negotiating
Angelina Jolie
5 : Which of these is NOT a term used in English to describe 春节?
Spring Festival
Chinese New Year
Lunar New Year
Eastern New Year
A baby rabbit
6 : In our Famous Rabbits programme, Albert Einstein was described as having which rabbit-like features?
A moustache and scraggly hair
Long floppy ears
Musical ability
A timid nature
Albert Einstein

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