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Love at first sight. Sigh. It’s springtime!
Have you ever experienced “love at first sight?” 我们用这个成语的时候,我们爱上的对象往往不是人!看下面的例句。
例句 1 爱上动物
It was love at first sight for horse trainer John Dickie. The day the photograph of “Paramount Geegee” arrived in the mail, Dickie took one look and knew he had to buy this strong young horse.
例句 2 爱上车
It was love at first sight for me when I saw the new, red-hot 2011 Ford Focus.
例句 3 爱上人
Jane: Was it love at first sight for you and your husband?
Mary: Are you kidding?! When I first met John, I thought he was the most boring person in the world. We didn’t start dating for years.
[ 本帖最后由 susanchyn 于 2010-4-26 19:26 编辑 ]