邢同学,中大2010界生化学院优秀学子(班级排名前十),以IBT 103,GRE 1360分数获得美国斯坦福大学材料科学专业硕士课程录取,UCLA 本科直博(PhD)课程录取。
当他身边的同学还在考虑参加什么社团,是否竞争公派交换项目的时候,邢同学已经确立了自己将来的升学方向。大二阶段邢同学与DiySmart签约,并在DiySmart服务系统中留言 “为了能获得去美国深造的机会,一直坚持不懈的努力,不轻言放弃”。
理工类博士项目申请,背景为王。如果要进入顶尖工程类项目,申请者必须具备特有的背景优势。所谓特有的背景优势就是在某个领域上深入成就。DiySmart理工组顾问结合邢同学的个人兴趣和中大的学习资源,建议他在生物功能高分子,碳纳米管/硅质杂化凝胶材料,双醛淀粉/天然乳胶共混膜, 支链淀粉等在医学材料中应用作深入研究。邢同学抵御了身边同学都在不停地刷GRE/TOELF分数的影响,坚持属于自己的DIY申请方略 - 在保分得前提下,集中精力提升背景。
进入大三下学期后邢同学开始准备对他的Dream School进行套磁工作。 由于早期准备,当时邢同学已经掌握了丰富项目背景,甚至有文章已经提交审核发表。要申请美国博士课程,套磁工作量巨大。从筛选潜在导师,到设计相关函件以及自我推销,邢同学在DiySmart顾问指导下,步步为营。实际上,套磁成功的关键不在于申请人背景有多么牛,关键在于“广撒渔网,研究对口”。就是会说,申请人应该尽量多地接触那些与自己研究背景相关的潜在导师。UCLA研究生是典型需要套磁的美国名校。之前已经有DiySmart中大Fu Qiang同学通过套磁得到地理信息科学方向博士课程录取。凭借相关经验和邢同学的背景实力,DiySmart先为邢同学在过年前就争的该校博士课程录取(见下文录取信)。春节后,邢同学的Dream School 美国斯坦福大学发来了录取通知书,而美国州立大学,RPI等保底学校也录取给邢同学发出Offer信。邢同学的申请经历是典型的DiySmart案例: 决心 + 努力 + DiySmart= 完成飞跃世界名校的故事
附1. 邢同学申请PS节选
On February 15, 2009, the spring festivalof China, despite the chilliness and loneliness in this most rapturous holidayin China, all my focus was on the expectation to my last modification’s successof the experiment. However, I clearly recalled the scene that the carbonnanotubes agglomerated together and precipitate to the bottom of the solutiononce more, which announced that all of my expectation and assumption ended infailure again. Holding the beaker in my hand, I was completely frustrated. Iphoned my tutor about the whole process with depress. During the call, my tutorgave me a significantly helpful advice, which was in fact just a little changeof the solvent, the result was totally different. The moment I saw the hope, Ialso saw my own deficiency and found there was still a long way to go. This iswhy I strongly want to further my study abroad, where I would find a brand-newenvironment of learning and researching. I want to further enhance myindependent thinking and problem-solving abilities. I want to make chemistry,the subject I love so much, part of my life。
Being interested in fundamental sciences, Ichose Chemical Biology in Sun Yat-Sen Universityas my college major. With keen interest, diligence and self-discipline, Ilanded in the top 8% of my grade. I was, however, not satisfied to only pursueknowledge from books and classes, and instead keen to gain technical skillsfrom practice, as well. Therefore, I participated in research at ProfessorLiming Zhang’s Laboratory for Polymer Composite and Functional Materials as aresearch assistant. Thanks to the research group, I could refer to plenty ofresearch papers, master how to write experiment reports, and gain much preciouspractical experience in my interested research field。
In the lab, I rapidly learned basiclaboratory skills and mastered the sophisticated analytical methods. Later,under the supervision of Dr...... , we started research on fabricating a novelfunctionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) hybrids based on watersoluble polysaccharide, which has great potential in biosensor applications. Weplanned to prepare undamaged water soluble MWNTs by adding chitosan derivationcontaining pyrene (CSP), which wrapped around nanotube sidewalls by π-πstacking interaction. Then, we would fabricate new silica gel compositescontaining MWNTs by sol-gel process. I participated in the design of thesynthesis of CSP and the dispersion of MWNTs in CSP solution. It was much morecomplicated than I had anticipated and I encountered many unexpecteddifficulties in effectively dispersing MWNTs into the CSP solution, just aswhat I mentioned in the first paragraph. In order to find the most suitableconcentration of CSP solution, I had to repeat the simple operations manytimes. To carry on with the project, we worked on the characterization ofcarbon nanotubes Sol-Gel Composites. Firstly, I learned to use rheologicalmeasurements to monitor the gelation process. Secondly, I focused on TEM andSEM observation. How excited I was when I saw the real configuration of carbonnanotubes in the microgram through the TEM observation, also the interiorstructure of carbon nanotubes sol-gel composites network in the SEM images!Through carefully repeated experiments and optimized experimental conditions, wefinally overcame the difficulties and have submitted the result as amanuscript, of which I am the second author, to Chemistry of Material. Learningfrom this experience, I realized that strong dedication is the most importanttool in the lab. Science needs dedicated man to survive, and dedicated manneeds science to thrive。
Since my major is Chemical Biology, I hadalso done many other researches in the interdisciplinary field of polymermaterial and biomedicine. By using a biopolymer Chitosan to assist the gelationof glycol-modified tetraethoxysilane in aqueous system without any organicsolvents, I attempted to find this biocompatible polymer silica gel’sapplication in the protein entrapment. In order to test its suitability toencapsulate the model protein BSA, I managed to use circular dichroismmeasurements to investigate protein conformation. The results of CDmeasurements showed that its entrapment to BSA does not affect the nativeprotein’s secondary structure to any significant extent; it even improves thethermal stability of BSA by increasing its unfolding temperature. I expectedthat such a polymer silica gel matrix could offer more advantages thanconventional silica materials as the immobilization platform for bioactivemolecules, such as proteins, drugs, and enzymes. This kind of interdisciplinaryresearch experience not only broadened my horizons, but also trained my abilityto comprehensively apply the knowledge of different subjects to solve practicalproblems。
Owing to my excellent performance, I was......。。