
  随着学习英语、应用英语的范围越来越来广,人们对电视英语教学节目也有了新的要求。为此,中央电视台社教中心 科教部于1998年分别在上海、长春及杭州召开了英语教学节目的观众座谈会。综合观众的需求及外语教学专家的意见,经 过近一年的筹备,新的学习英语的电视节目《希望----英语杂志》(Outlook)于1999年6月18日与观众见 面。

  《希望----英语杂志》每周一期,每期30分钟,分别在中央电视台一套周六16:10-16:40首播、二 套周五19:00-19:30重播。该节目突破了以往单纯的教学讲座模式,采用杂志式多板块结构。每期自成一体,力求 在快节奏的现代生活中为学习英语和应用英语的朋友提供一份原汁原味的英语快餐,从而创造一个多视角、大信息量、能带动 潮流的英语视听氛围。

  《希望----英语杂志》的主持人将用英语主持,重点难点用中文讲解或加中文字幕。在《我看世界》(Eyes on the World)的板块中,观众将看到所希望了解的精彩的中外的世界;关心和嘱目的新奇、有趣的事件;各国 人文、历史以及当今世界发展的高新科技成果等等。《我的朋友》(My Friends),可以使您结识在华访问、工作 或学习的外国朋友或者有国外生活、学习经历的中国朋友;此外,还有外企白领、旅行社的导游给您讲述国外最新的见闻,使 您及时了解五光十色的现代社会。接下来的《绿地漫步》(Good Times)是一个休闲、娱乐的板块。经典影视作品 的原文精彩对白和歌曲将使您耳目一新。《你说我说》(Let's Talk)将以日常用语、东西方文化差异为主题,以 生动活泼的形式使大家对英语的疑难问题有新的认识。《点点滴滴》(Here and There)将告诉您最新的英语 学习、培训动态及英语学习交流的信息。使观众在轻松活泼的气氛中,通过《希望----英语杂志》,学到生活中最新的原 汁原味的英语。


  On June 18,1999,a brand-new English teaching and learning program "OUTLOOK--English Magazine" appeared on CCTV-1 and CCTV-2.This program has made a breakthrough in style, departing from the traditional mode of lecturing, and adopting a magazine-like format with different "articles" and things of interest to the viewers. The magazine's topics have new information about the world, fashion, language, news, movies and music, in simpleEnglish, to stimulate the viewers language learning. Itcontains fresh information on topics that will please the general viewer.

  Two young people host "OUTLOOK--English Magazine"in English. Key points and language that is more difficult are explained in Chinese or interpreted into Chinese captions on the TV. Each issue of the program lasts for 30 minutes and is composed of five segments:

  1.EYES ON THE WORLD: This segment includes explorations into different parts of the world, strange and interesting events, the culture and history of different countries, and introductions to various high-tech product s that will interest the viewers.

  2. MY FRIENDS: This segment will introduce different people of interest, including foreign friends visiting China or working and studying in China, as well as Chinese friends who have lived in other countries or have interesting jobs. In addi tion, joint-venture staff and tour guides from travel agencies will also introduce some exciting things from abroad.

  3. GOOD TIMES: Viewers will find themselves in awhole new world of original dialogues and soundtracks from classic movies and Music Videos.

  4. LET'S TALK: Topicsinclude every-day conversation and cultural discrepancies between the east and the west. Viewers will have a new understanding of he difficulties they confront inEnglish learning in a lively and light atmosphere.

  5.HERE AND THERE: This segment brings the latest in formation about English learning, training and academic exchange. It is shown alternately with "GOOD TIMES".

  Channel and Time of Show:One program each week, 30 minutes, broadcast twice

  First show 16:10-16:40 every Saturday on CCTV-1

  Second show 19:00-19:30 every Friday on CCTV-2

  Our viewers are the large numbers of English langua ge lovers including joint venture staff, foreign friend s and high school and college students.




  《英语周报》 --《希望英语专刊》(配合录音带)邮发代号:21-101







  191呼《希望---英语杂志》(汉字留言),服务覆盖全国4个直辖市(北京、天津、上海、重庆)和20个省 (江西、内蒙、西藏、宁夏、青海、新疆尚未开通)。

  网 址:http://www.sina.com.cn/cctv_outlook



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