Dolce & Gabbanna's时装展示会

  Dolce & Gabbanna's fashion show

  Italy's most flamboyant(辉耀的) design duo dolce & Gab bana showed a spring/summer 2001 collection sprinkled w ith western cowboy references as well as a wink(瞬间) and a nod to the 1980s.

  It was the latest style decade to be revived by a f ashion industry insatiable(不知足的) for new trends and ima ges.

  The dolce & gabbana show began with a couple of lon g, lean knock-out femme fatale daytime suits in black o r white, with a thign-length wrap jacket tying at the h ip, worn over push-up bras that peeped up from above a plunging neckline(领口)。

  The collection took a spin through the 1980s in the form of leggings paired with T-shirts emblazoned with p hotos of the pop star Madonna-an early dolce & gabbana fan and personal friend.(By jennifer clark)


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