
  Let me see your thong(1)

  The'peeping thong' gets a new look.

  And now: thong jewelry, designed to adorn the most barely-there of undergarments.

  So how did underwear become outerwear? It didn't st art with monica lweinsky showing hers to president clin ton.

  About three to four years ago,"gucci was one of the first fashion companies to show a low-riding skirt with the thong showing over the skirt," says marnie mclaughl in, who knows all about underwear since she's the P.R.m anager for victoris's secret.

  Soon the ubiquitous thongs, worn primarily to get r id of unseemly panty lines; began creeping up the over waistbands of jeans, pants and skirts all over. "i've s een that trend trickle down," mclaughlin says.

  Some started calling the creeping panties "the peep ing thong". And as happens in the fickle fashion world, what was once a fashion faux-pas-became a trend.

  Introducing the clip

  Taking advantage of the trend, pauline aguilera of havana creations introduced the eye-catching "though cl ip" to decorate the stray strap. "i was out one night a nd was sick and tired of looking at everybody's thong, "says aguilera. "i looked down at my own thong and thou gh, 'this is so embarrassing.'"

  This lightening-bolt revelatiorr got aguilera think ing." I had just created the havana creations acceessor ites," she says. "the one thing i was missing was that catch." That catch, of course, was the thong clip-a fas hion accessory. So millennium, no one had thought of it yet.


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