
  Summer camps

  More than 5,000,000 children in america are spendin g their holiday at a summer camp.

  The national camp association says there are almost 10,000 camps in the united states.

  Summer camps are popular for a simple reason. Almos t all campers have fun. For most children, camp is the only time during the year when they are away from their parents. Camp is the only time during the year when the y are away from their parents. Camp gives them a chance to develop a feeling of independence. Campers live toge ther in cloth tents or small, wood cabins. They eat the ir meals together in a large room.

  One traditional camp activity is singing is a group . Another activity is telling stories around a campfire at night. Campers around a camories of this time will s tay with them forever.

  For many summer campers in many different camps acr oss the united states, the day ends in a traditional wa y. They gather around the campfire to make a sweet food called "s' mores". "s' mores" is a short way of saying "some more". This food got its name because after campe rs eat one, they always ask for "some more."

  To make "s' mores", campers put soft, white, sugary marshmallows on a stick. They cook them over the fire. Then they put the partly-melted marshmallows and a piec e of chocolate between two sweet graham crackers. The r esult is a warm, sweet, sandwich.

  As the fire dies down, the campers join in singing traditional songs. Then it is time for them to go back to their tent or cabin. The songs they hear now… are th e sounds of the night.


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