
  Penn students entertain kids for halloween


  "Trick or treat," yealled a little girl in a witch costume, her hand extended expectantly.

  Though it wasn't halloween quite yet, more than 6,0 00 children from throughout the city gathered at the ph iladephia zoo yesterday for "Boo at the zoo," a program coordinated by 12 wharton freshmen.

  Members of the special events section of management 100, a required course for wharton freshmen, chose "boo at the zoo" for their semester project.

  According to jeff snyder, a member of the managemen t class, the students set up booths throughout the zoo offering fun, games and candy for the 5,000 to 8,000 ch ildren who attended the event.

  The event has been held at the zoo for the past sev eral years, drawing crows of children and large corpora te sponsors.

  The management group was responsible for manning th e booths as well recruting members of the penn and drex el university to lend a helping hand.

  Management 100, formerly known as wharton 101, must now be taken by all wharton freshmen for a letter grade and a semester credit.

  "the new grading system improves the quality of our output," snyder said. By making the course more serious , students and faculty said they hope to gain more resp ect from skeptics of management 100.

  "people have said management 100 is a token effort to give back to the community," snyder added.

  "but we're also learning how to work together in gr oups. Such free communication is a valuable lesson."

  Members of the class were quite enthusiastic about the event.

  Wharton freshman mike friedman spent the day in a s tuffy"icee bear" costume. Though he confessed to volunt eering for the job out of "utter ignorance," he enjoyed himself despite the heat.

  "it's great--the kids are really cute," he said aft er hugging a shy five-year old.

  The management 100 team was not the only wharton gr oup participating in the festivities. The bridges progr am, a mentoring parthership between wharton students an d west philadephia youths, spent the day at the zoo as well.

  Rafique symonette, a wharton sohpomore and mentor i n the program, pointed out that wharton should not alwa ys be looked at as cut-throat, cold and competitive.

  "this whole day shows that wharton has a softer sid e," he said.


  1. trick of treat:孩子们在鬼节常带上大袋子挨家挨户向人们要糖果,嘴里喊着“trick or treat",意为要么招待我们一指给糖,否则就要对付你。

  2. wharton:宾州大学商学院的名称,该学院在全美各大学中排行第一。


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