
  U.S.officials investigate case of flying pig(2)

  FAA investigators were expected to examine the flig ht's passenger list and interview every crew member on board the plane.

  "We'd like to know how a 300-pound flew first class ," said FAA spokesman jim peters. "We're looking into a ll aspects-safety and compliance and sanitation. We wan t to know what the company's animal policy is."

  The philadelphia daily news, which first reported t he strange tale, said the owners got permission to take their unruly pet aboard the flight by producing a docto r's note that described the pig as a 13-pound(5.8kg) "s ervice animal",like a seeing-eye dog. They also bought the pig a ticket.

  At first, flight attendants tried to stow the pig i n the rear of the plane but found that it blocked an em ergency exit. So they opted to wedge the animal between seats 1A and 1C in the first-class section instead.

  US Airways said it will allow passengers to board w ith dogs, cats and birds as free baggage, but only if t he animals are small enough to fit under a seat in a co ntainer. These are exceptions for larger canines that s erve as guide dogs for the blind, however.


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