
  Computer words(4)

  R:It seems to me some of those names have changed. I those names have changed. I used to hear about comput er programmer, but now you called them application engi neer, right?

  T:Yes. Programmer is, basically they program everyt hing. They just write these computer languages that the computer understands, so enables all the programs to ru n. So application engineer is specifically for differen t types of applications.

  E:Now we just want to make sure you understand what an application is. A common application might be window s, or office or something like that lotus notes. So tha t't a common name for an application.

  T:Yes. And even games are a type of application for fun.

  E:I think MIS is going to be the way of the future. These are going to be great jobs and i'm happy for you to know these words in english.

  T:Yes, definitely.

  E:Why don't we go in and have a look?


  E:Well, that was wonderful, thank you so much.

  T:You are very welcome.

  R:It's a very amazing room, it's not like the other rooms.

  T:Yes,it's a specially-designed room, which is a co ntrolled environment. That means we have constant tempe rature, constant humidity and clean air and it's anti-s tatic floor.

  R:So you walk on it, there is no static, and humidi ty you may know how much water is in the room. These ar e important for these fancy expensive machines.

  T:Yes, they are very delicate.

  E:You know these are even newer things coming. Now i know they ae using radio frequencies, radio broadcast frequencis to send information. And they are also using infra-red frequencies to send information. And so i gue ss making sure there is just the right amount of water in the air is very important, isn't it?


  R:How clean everything is and well care for. All of the technology is very important for everyone in the fu ture.

  E:So now you have to learn them in english, we hope we've helped you a little bit.


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