
  On the atlantic coast of canada(1)

  In north america, between the united states and the polar ice-fields, lies canada. Today we would like to i nvite you to explore the marvel of its atlantic coast.

  In eastern canada the ocean continues to provide fi sh in abundance, and so it is that, in the coastal regi on of south shore, several fishing villages sprang up. The most famous, and the most fairy-tale like, especial ly early in the morning when the coming back home, is p eggy's cove.

  This village, characterized by brightly-coloured cl apboard houses, is the most visited and photographed of all. Peggy's cove was built in 1811 and has 50 inhabita nts, almost all of them fishermen, as you can gather fr om its piers where the typical canadian fishing boats a re tied up.

  But the special feature of peggy's cove, the elemen t that distinguishes from the other villages on the sou th shore, which are the erratic masses which are scatte red amidst the pastel-coloured houses. These granite fo rmations were formed more than 400 million years ago an d were transported here by slow and ancient geological and meteorological processes.

  If today peggy's cove lives more from tourism that it does from fishing, lunenburg, which lies a few kilom etres south, is a real sea-faring city, where the bigge st fish-processing plant in the whole of north america is located.

  The museum lets you see the different types of old vessels closed-up. One room of the museum is dedicated to the bluenose, the ture pride of the nation, so much so that its image appears on that ten-cent coin. The bo at, which never lost a race in 30 years of activity, th us becoming a symbol of canada, was built in this city in 1921. Here wooden boats are not just a distant memor y but continue to be hand-built in the local boat-yards . For all of these reasons UNESCO deciden to give this fishing village the status of world heritage site.


  加拿大的东海岸盛产海洋渔业资源。你会在沿岸发现各式小渔村。其中最著名的就是佩吉湾村。这是最富有诗情画意 的地方。尤其是在清晨,当回归的渔船在雾中若隐若现时,这里简直就是仙境。颜色鲜艳,装有护墙板的建筑是佩吉湾村的特 征。在所有的渔村中,来佩吉湾村参观、拍照的人也是最多的。佩吉湾村建于1811年,有50位居民,几乎都是渔民。他 们都居住在码头附近。那些加拿大风格的渔船就停泊在这里。但是佩吉湾村真正的特色是这些散落在棕黄色的房屋之间的巨石 。这些花岗石形成于4亿年前,是被缓慢,古老的地质作用和气候变化过程带到这儿的。

  如果说现在的佩吉湾村更多的是依靠旅游业,而非渔业,而非渔业生存的话,那么位于其南部几公里的Lunebu rg则是真正的渔业城市。这座渔业博物馆展示着各种造型的船只。其中一个展厅陈列的是加拿大的骄傲---Blueno se号帆船。它的图案也出现在一秀的硬币上。这艘船在30年的航海比赛中从未输过,它也因此成为加拿大的象征。192 1年Bluenose号就建造于这座渔村。

  在这里,木船不仅是一份遥远的记忆,当地的船厂仍在用手工工艺造船。联合国教科文组织将这座渔村列为世界文化 保护遗产。


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