
  On the atlantic coast of canada(2)

  In the hands of local skilled carftsman, different kinds of bones can become one of the typical local orna ments. They model it, carve it and polish it into vario us shapes to deliver the beauty of the nature.

  A fine piece of bone in canada doesn't arouse any l ess interest than excellent meat or a valuable fur.

  Hand-crafted products are very common in this area, but coming as they do mostly from famili-run worshops t hat are spread all over a vast territory they require a store like grenfell handcraft to show them at their bes t and to market them.

  As well as teh distinctive objects carved in bone, there is also clothing that is particularly well suited to the harsh local climate, like the fantastic parkas, which are light, waterproof and comfortable to wear.

  In atlantic Canada the moments of eating and covivi ality are characterized by a table laden with fish. A t ypical menu of this coast generally begins with the del icious seafood starters, lobster salad or the more comm on prawn cocktail.

  Among the main courses the decidedly exquisite and eye-catching charcoal brolied scallops stand out. The g rilled scallops are served in their own shell with a wh ite wine sauce.

  Among the specialities of the region we should ment ion the honey baked salmon, which is served with a spri nking of parsley. And lastly, for dessert blue berry cr epes, which is made with jam that in canada is usually home-made.

  The atlantic coast imposes a manifestation of natur e, which is accompanied by a strong and respectful huma n presence.

  当地手工艺人将各种骨头雕刻成精美的手工艺品。精心的打磨、雕刻将万物之美尽情展现。人们对精美的骨头颇感兴 趣,其程度不亚于对一顿丰盛宴席的兴趣。

  这一地区手工制品繁多。尽管产自家庭作坊,却远销各地。因此像Grenfil这样专营手工制品的连锁店必不可 少。除了精美的骨雕,这一地区还特别生产一种适合当地严寒气候的衣服,轻便,防水,穿着舒适。

  加拿大大西洋沿岸的餐桌上是各种丰盛的鱼型。典型的菜单第一道菜通常都是美味的海鲜,龙虾色拉或更普通的对虾 鸡尾酒。在所有的菜式中,最精美,最令人垂涎欲滴的要数炭烤房扇贝,配以浓郁的白葡萄酒汁。扇贝在壳里装盘。值得一说 的特色菜还有峰蜜熏三文鱼,另外还得撒上一点香菜。甜点一定要吃蓝酱果肉煎饼。用的酱通常都是家酿的。



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