
  Mr.li dongxiang, the head of the department of the international cooperation & exchange of the national ed ucation ministry, emphasizes that the 21st century will be a highly technical developed century, and the develo pment of economy is more and more relying on the develo pment of education & high technique. No country can dev elop independently in the future, thus it's urgent to e nhance the international cooperation & exchanges. Other experts and scholars emphasize that we should strengthe n the importance of education, enhance people's qualiti es if we want to develop the west, which is very instru ctive.

  Peter: and particular from my own university, the u niversity of nottingham, it's a great pleasure and priv ilege to be here today to address such a distinguished gathering. I hope very much that things that i have to say will strike a chord with you and we'll have a usefu l discussion at the end. I am a computer scientist by t raining academic computer scientist, therefore i know o nly too well the difficulties of high technology.

  Peter ford, vice president of nottingham university in U.K.tells us the benefits that the current english t eaching way in form of address & multimedia. We intervi ewed peter, who has been a teacher for 28 years, about the change of the way of teaching in U.K.

  Peter: certainly when i started education, that's n ot really the case. The traditional way of learnign was the teacher talking to the class, and the class listeni ng and taking notes and following it up later by readin g. Now it's much more the students having the experienc e finding out for themselves about the topic of the tea cher. So the mode is going from being taught to learnin g.

  In order to promote the forum to a higher stage, th e organizer invited 24 famous domestic & abroad experts and scholars. Their speeches bring to the forum ideas, experience and methods.

  国家教育部国际合作与交流司李东翔司长在演讲中强调,21世纪将是科技高度发展的世纪,经济的发展越来越依赖 于教育和高科技的提高。在未来的发展中,任何国家都不可能孤立地发展,这就迫切需要加强国际间的合作与交流,同时其他 专家学者还谈到目前的西部开发需加大教育力度以及目前人才的综合素质有待提高,语重心长,意义深远。

  彼得:特别是对于我所工作的诺丁汉大学来说,能够在这么多著名的专家学者面前作演讲,我感到非常荣幸。并且我 们可以在会后进行有益的交流。我是研究计算机科学的,在培养学生的过程中,我深深地认识到高科技的发展所面临的困难。

  英国诺丁汉大学副校长彼得-福特先生在演讲中详述了英国目前的“演讲式“及多媒体交互式的授课方式给大学生带 来的学习益处,对此我们采访了这位曾担任28年中学教师的彼得有关近20年前后英国教育方式上的变化。

  彼得:在我刚涉足教育界时,传统的教学方式是老师在课堂上讲,学生听并且记笔记。然后按照老师的要求阅读。现 在更多的是学生自己去找和老师授课内容有关的东西。这样就从被动地接受知识转变为主动地学习知识。

  此次组委会为使论坛更上一个档次,先后邀请到国内外著名专家学者24人,专家们的演讲给论坛带来了新思路、新 经验、新方法。


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