
  Brosnan movie sent to video

  Perhaps you've been wondering why your favorite act or remains a millionaire when he doesn't seem to make m any movies.

  Or maybe you find yourself befuddled(使……迷惑不解) when you're looking at the "new" racks at the video store. W hy can't you recall any of these great-looking movies e ver being featured at the local multiplex(多剧场影剧院)?

  The answer is that an untold number of movies---man y featuring top-tier actors, directors and producers-go "straight to video" every year because they can't ink(与 ……签合同) a distribution deal.

  When it comes to making a hit movie, producing the film is only half the battle. Getting a film into theat ers requires expensive marketing and advertising expens ive marketing and advertising that only the big studios can manage-and studios are becoming more and more reluc atant to take risks on films they fear won't cash in at the box office.

  Pierce brosnan's james bond movies have been the ty pe of bigbudget blockbusters(耗费巨资拍摄的电影) that studios li ke to get behind.

  But the actor was shocked when the studios passed o n his 1999 film, grey owl, the biography of an aborgina l trapper in 1930s canada who became the world's first environmental activist. Directed by sir richard attenbo rough, whose other credits include the oscar-winning ga ndhi, the film stars brosnan in the title role.

  "I really don't know why they didn't take an intere st in this film," brosnan said. "It was a disappointmen t. I was angry," he said.

  Grey owl went instead directly to video. Brosnan sa id the lack of studio interest in the film reflects hol lywood's increasing rejectionof smaller, story-oriented films.

  "It's very hard to get a film like this seen by a s tudio," brosnan siad. "It's a sad state of affairs when they've backed themselves into a corner with these big- budget movies and a style of film-making that's so aggr essive at times," he added.


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