
  TV Writers sue networks for age discrimination I

  LOS ANGELES-Twenty-eight older TV writers, claiming that youth-obsesed hollywood has blacklisted them becau se of their age, field a $200 million federal civil rig hts the major television networks, talent agencies and entertainment companies.

  The lawsuit claims that hollywood has, since the 19 80s, discriminated against people over the age of 40, t o the extent that older writers are typically unable to find work, often driven to financial ruin and even ment al collapse.

  "Since 1995 my career has spiraled into an abyss", writer tracy keenan wynn told reporters at a press conf erence to announce the lawsuit, adding that he is usual ly rejected by young TV executives who assume that he c an't relate to teens and young adults and thus a poor c hoice to write for them.

  "Was sharkespeare only 15 when he wrote romeo and j uliet?' asked wynn, who has won two emmy awards are cap able of writing about anything."

  Wynn,55, and other writers said they often tried to hide their true age when seeking work and several were relutant to disclose their are even at a press conferen ce to announce their age-discrimination lawsuit.

  Ann marcus, a 70-something veteran television write r who helped create the soap opera spoof "mary hartman, mary hartman", appeared to take offense when a reporter asked her age, responding that such a question was" not very nice."

  Jay moriarty, whose writing credits include. "All i n the family" and "cheers", then spoken up to remind th e reporter that part of the reason for the lawsuit was to help shift society's emphasis away from age.



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