
  Library I

  R:Hi!welcome to let's talk. We are the today discus sing identification and what cards you use and how you show your identification, when you're outside of china. And that leads us to our next topic, which is also join ing the library. You need identification, you want to b ecome a member of a library.



  M:I would like to apply for a library card.

  W:Have you ever had a library card here.

  M:No. I've never had a library card here.

  W:Okay. Here is the application form. Please read t he responsibility statement. Fill out the form and then sign. It I also need to see a driver's license with pro of of curent address.

  M:Okay i have a driver's license, but it only has m y old address. What can I do?

  W:In that case you can bring in a phone bill or a g as bill that does show your current address.

  E:In china i know that you have a "shenfenzheng" an d a "hukouben". Let's see, that's it's not the same. An d I know in canada and in the U.S.,usually you use your driver's license as an Identification card. And you oft en, for example, if you would like to write a check to pay for something, you use your driver's license and a credit card, for example, a visa card or a master card, and these two things would allow you to prove that you are this person.

  R:Because they assume that if you drive, you pay yo ur taxes and you drive carfully. If you have a credit c ard, your bank has your address and they can find you. That's how you prove who you are, using those ways.

  E:When you want to do something like join the libra ry in your town, you have to prove that you live in tha t town. And the way you get a library card is to take y our driver's license or posibly a telephone bill or a g as bill, and it has your address on it. It is send to y our house.

  W:in that case, you can bring in a phone bill or ga s bill that does show your current address.

  E:So you can show then the letter that says your na me and your address and prove that you live in that tow n, and then they'll give you a library card.


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